Tools / Crawler / Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting data extraction issues

The crawler reports extraction issues when it can’t extract data from your site. Issues can be indicated by:

The Crawler might run into extraction issues due to:

Domain wasn’t crawled

No pages from a particular domain appear in your crawler’s records.


To ensure that the crawler can access and index your site, check that:

  • You’ve added and verified the domain.
  • The Crawler’s IP address ( is in your site’s allowlist.
  • The Crawler’s user agent is in your site’s robots.txt file.

    When fetching pages, the Crawler identifies itself with the user agent: Algolia Crawler/xx.xx.xx, where xx.xx.xx represents a version number. To allow crawling of your site, add the following to your robots.txt file:

    User-agent: Algolia Crawler

  • You’ve adjusted the settings for custom security checks. If you’ve set up extra security measures on your site, for example with nginx, you might need to update those settings to ensure the crawler isn’t blocked.
  • You’ve verified every domain you would like to crawl. Algolia needs proof that you or your organization owns the domain, whether it’s on your servers or hosted. The Crawler can only visit sites that you’ve verified belong to you.
  • You’ve configured site protection systems to recognize the Crawler. If your site uses tools like Cloudflare or Google Cloud Armor to block unwanted visitors, you must add the Crawler’s IP address or user agent to your allowlist. Otherwise, the Crawler may be treated as an intruder: if so, you’ll see 403 status errors and the Crawler could be blocked.

After checking for these issues, retry the crawl and verify that everything works.

A page wasn’t crawled

A page within a domain wasn’t crawled but others were.


The reason why a page wasn’t crawled can vary. Check that:

  • The crawling process has finished. Crawling a big site can take time: check the progress from the Crawler overview page.
  • The page is linked from the rest of your site. Ensure you can trace a path from the startUrls to the missing page. It should either be reachable from these starting points or listed in your sitemap. If not, add the missing page as a start URL.
  • You’ve given the crawler the correct path. Ensure the page matches one of the pathsToMatch you’ve told the crawler to look for.
  • You haven’t instructed the crawler to ignore the page. If the page matches an exclusionPatterns, the crawler ignores it.
  • The page requires a login. If so, add the login parameter to your configuration.

After checking for these issues, retry the crawl and verify that everything works.

Missing attributes

Attributes that you expect to see in your crawler’s records are missing.


Verify what might be missing:

  1. Review the records in the Algolia index and check for missing attributes.
  2. Open the Crawler’s Editor and find the action responsible for extracting records from that content type (for example, a blog post). If your configuration has more than one action, identify the correct action by checking its pathsToMatch. For example, an action that extracts blog posts looks something like: pathsToMatch: ["**"]
  3. Check if the action actually extracts the requested attribute. For example, the following action should collect author names from blog posts, but it doesn’t.

recordExtractor in Crawler configuration file not collecting author names


  1. Find a page on your site that fully represents the content type you want to extract. For example, a blog post with complete title, subtitle, author, blog content, and date published.
  2. Inspect the page to determine the best way to extract the content: JSON-LD, Meta Tag, or CSS selectors.
  3. In the Crawler’s Editor, update the appropriate recordExtractor to extract the missing attribute.
  4. Use the URL tester to check that the updated configuration works and you’re collecting what you need.

After updating your recordExtractor, retry the crawl and verify that everything works.

Debug CSS selectors

An attribute you want to extract with a CSS selector doesn’t appear in your crawler’s records.


Use your browser developer tools to type a CSS querySelector command directly into the console:

let value = document.querySelector(".author-name");

Alternatively, you can add a console.log command to an action’s recordExtractor. For example:


This displays the value of the CSS selector in both the browser’s console and the URL tester’s Logs tab.


  1. Update the appropriate recordExtractor to extract the missing attribute.
  2. Save your changes.

After updating your recordExtractor, retry the crawl and verify that everything works.

JavaScript is required

One or more pages weren’t crawled.

Sometimes, what you see on a site and what the crawler sees are different because the crawler doesn’t use JavaScript by default, because processing JavaScript slows down the crawls.


To see how a page looks without JavaScript, turn off JavaScript for your browser. You might notice that some information, like the author’s name, disappears without JavaScript.


Enable JavaScript for the appropriate action with the renderJavaScript parameter.

After updating your action, retry the crawl and verify that everything works.

Canonical URL omissions

Due to a canonical URL error a page wasn’t crawled. This is indicated by an error message:

  • Canonical URL
  • Canonical URL - Not processed

If your site has canonical URLs some pages might be ignored. This may be intentional since you may not want to crawl duplicate content.


If you want to crawl all pages and your site has canonical URLs, set extraUrls to true.

After updating your configuration, retry the crawl and verify that everything works.

Crawler data limitations

The Crawler imposes certain limits on extracted data, and if you go beyond these limits, it will generate an error message.


Error message Description Solution
Extractor record duplicate error The objectID attribute must be unique Ensure the recordExtractor in your action assigns unique objectIDs
Extractor record error Crawler found a JSON object that references itself Examine the page that generated the error and fix the circular reference or ignore the page when crawling
Extractor record missing ID error The record lacks the required objectID attribute Ensure the recordExtractor in your action assigns objectIDs
Record objectID too long The objectID has more than 2083 characters Ensure that the recordExtractor in your action assigns objectID attributes within this limit

After modifying your data, retry the crawl and verify that everything works.

Crawler technical limitations

The Crawler has limitations and if you exceed them, an error messages will be generated:

  • Extractor returned too many links
  • Extractor timed out
  • Page is too big

A page returned more than the maximum number of links:

  • 5,000 per page
  • 50,000 per sitemap


Edit the source page to split it into several pages or remove some of its links.

After modifying your source pages, retry the crawl and verify that everything works.

Extractor timed out

The page took too long to crawl. This may be due to:

  • A mistake, such as an infinite loop, in the crawler configuration.
  • Page is too big.


Review your crawler configuration.

After modifying your crawler configuration, retry the crawl and verify that everything works. If the issues persist, see Page is too big.

Page is too big

A page may be too big to fit in the crawler’s memory.


You have several options:

  • Reduce page size
  • For pages rendered with JavaScript: avoid loading too much data.
  • Ignore the page when crawling.

After modifying your site or ignoring the problematic URL, retry the crawl and verify that everything works.

Responses to user agents

If you find that some information isn’t showing up as it should, it may be due to your site’s response to different user agents.


Check to see if the problem is due to the Algolia user agent by testing with a browser extension or curl. Send requests to the same site with different user agents and compare the differences between site responses. For example, using curl:

Crawler user agent:

curl -H "User-Agent: Algolia Crawler"

Mac Firefox user agent:

curl -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:71.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/71.0"

This lets you see if the site shows different content to different user agents, which might be why some information is missing.


Configure your site to ensure it doesn’t rely on specific user agent strings to render content.

RSS feeds don’t generate content

RSS feed pages aren’t crawled.


This is expected behavior. RSS feeds themselves don’t contain content. When the crawler encounters an RSS feed, it identifies and crawls all the <link> tags in the RSS files but doesn’t generate records directly from those RSS feeds.

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