Tools / Crawler / Troubleshooting

Error messages and warnings generated by the Algolia Crawler.

Error Category Status Solution
Algolia error: Record too big Indexing Failed Records exceed the maximum for your Algolia plan
Algolia error: Timeout Indexing Failed Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists
Algolia’s record quota exceeded Indexing Failed Records exceed the maximum for your Algolia plan
Canonical URL Extraction Skipped Canonical URL errors
Canonical URL - Not processed Extraction Skipped Canonical URL errors
Content-Type not supported Fetch Skipped HTTP status errors
Crawler internal error (extraction) Extraction Failed Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists
Crawler internal error (fetch) Fetch Failed Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists
Crawler internal error (indexing) Indexing Failed Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists
Crawler internal error (isolated extraction) Extraction Failed Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists
Crawler internal error (processJob) Global Failed Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists
Crawler internal error (work) Global Failed Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists
DNS error Fetch Failed DNS error
Document extraction timeout reached Fetch Failed Document extraction timeout
Document extraction: unprocessable document Fetch Failed Tika errors
Extractor exceeded memory limit Extraction Failed Page is too big
Extractor execution timed out Extraction Failed Extractor timed out
Extractor record duplicate error Extraction Failed Crawler data limitations
Extractor record error Extraction Failed Crawler data limitations
Extractor record merge error Extraction Failed Page is too big
Extractor record missing ID error Extraction Failed Crawler data limitations
Extractor returned too many links Extraction Failed Extractor returned too many links
Extractors returned too many records Extraction Failed Records exceed the maximum for your Algolia plan
Fetch timeout Fetch Failed Network errors
File type didn’t match any action Fetch Skipped Document type actions
Forbidden by robots.txt Fetch Skipped Forbidden by robots.txt
HTTP Bad Request (400) Fetch Skipped HTTP status errors
HTTP Connection Error (502,503,504) Fetch Failed HTTP status errors
HTTP Forbidden (403) Fetch Skipped HTTP status errors
HTTP Gone (410) Fetch Skipped HTTP status errors
HTTP Internal Server Error (500) Fetch Failed HTTP status errors
HTTP Not Found (404) Fetch Skipped HTTP status errors
HTTP Not Implemented (501) Fetch Skipped HTTP status errors
HTTP redirect (301, 302) Fetch Skipped Redirect issues
HTTP redirect (301, 302) - Not followed Fetch Skipped Redirect issues
HTTP Status Code not supported Fetch Failed HTTP status errors
HTTP Too Many Requests (429) Fetch Failed HTTP status errors
HTTP Unauthorized (401) Fetch Skipped HTTP status errors
JavaScript redirect - Not followed Fetch Skipped Redirect issues
JavaScript renderer backend unavailable Fetch Failed Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists
JavaScript renderer error Fetch Failed Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists
Link Extractors return an invalid payload Extraction Failed linkExtractor should return an array of strings but returns an unexpected type
Maximum amount of retries reached Global Failed Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists
Network error Fetch Failed Network errors
Record objectID too long Extraction Failed Data issues
Records extracted are too big Extraction Failed Records exceed the maximum for your Algolia plan
Runtime extractor error Extraction Failed Error in your crawler configuration
SSL error Fetch Failed SSL issues
Tika Error Fetch Failed Tika errors
Unsupported Algolia error Indexing Failed Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists

See also

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