May. 03, 2024
Crawler error messages
Error messages and warnings generated by the Algolia Crawler.
Error | Category | Status | Solution |
Algolia error: Record too big | Indexing | Failed | Records exceed the maximum for your Algolia plan |
Algolia error: Timeout | Indexing | Failed | Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists |
Algolia’s record quota exceeded | Indexing | Failed | Records exceed the maximum for your Algolia plan |
Canonical URL | Extraction | Skipped | Canonical URL errors |
Canonical URL - Not processed | Extraction | Skipped | Canonical URL errors |
Content-Type not supported | Fetch | Skipped | HTTP status errors |
Crawler internal error (extraction) | Extraction | Failed | Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists |
Crawler internal error (fetch) | Fetch | Failed | Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists |
Crawler internal error (indexing) | Indexing | Failed | Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists |
Crawler internal error (isolated extraction) | Extraction | Failed | Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists |
Crawler internal error (processJob) | Global | Failed | Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists |
Crawler internal error (work) | Global | Failed | Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists |
DNS error | Fetch | Failed | DNS error |
Document extraction timeout reached | Fetch | Failed | Document extraction timeout |
Document extraction: unprocessable document | Fetch | Failed | Tika errors |
Extractor exceeded memory limit | Extraction | Failed | Page is too big |
Extractor execution timed out | Extraction | Failed | Extractor timed out |
Extractor record duplicate error | Extraction | Failed | Crawler data limitations |
Extractor record error | Extraction | Failed | Crawler data limitations |
Extractor record merge error | Extraction | Failed | Page is too big |
Extractor record missing ID error | Extraction | Failed | Crawler data limitations |
Extractor returned too many links | Extraction | Failed | Extractor returned too many links |
Extractors returned too many records | Extraction | Failed | Records exceed the maximum for your Algolia plan |
Fetch timeout | Fetch | Failed | Network errors |
File type didn’t match any action | Fetch | Skipped | Document type actions |
Forbidden by robots.txt | Fetch | Skipped | Forbidden by robots.txt |
HTTP Bad Request (400) | Fetch | Skipped | HTTP status errors |
HTTP Connection Error (502,503,504) | Fetch | Failed | HTTP status errors |
HTTP Forbidden (403) | Fetch | Skipped | HTTP status errors |
HTTP Gone (410) | Fetch | Skipped | HTTP status errors |
HTTP Internal Server Error (500) | Fetch | Failed | HTTP status errors |
HTTP Not Found (404) | Fetch | Skipped | HTTP status errors |
HTTP Not Implemented (501) | Fetch | Skipped | HTTP status errors |
HTTP redirect (301, 302) | Fetch | Skipped | Redirect issues |
HTTP redirect (301, 302) - Not followed | Fetch | Skipped | Redirect issues |
HTTP Status Code not supported | Fetch | Failed | HTTP status errors |
HTTP Too Many Requests (429) | Fetch | Failed | HTTP status errors |
HTTP Unauthorized (401) | Fetch | Skipped | HTTP status errors |
JavaScript redirect - Not followed | Fetch | Skipped | Redirect issues |
JavaScript renderer backend unavailable | Fetch | Failed | Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists |
JavaScript renderer error | Fetch | Failed | Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists |
Link Extractors return an invalid payload | Extraction | Failed | linkExtractor should return an array of strings but returns an unexpected type |
Maximum amount of retries reached | Global | Failed | Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists |
Network error | Fetch | Failed | Network errors |
Record objectID too long | Extraction | Failed | Data issues |
Records extracted are too big | Extraction | Failed | Records exceed the maximum for your Algolia plan |
Runtime extractor error | Extraction | Failed | Error in your crawler configuration |
SSL error | Fetch | Failed | SSL issues |
Tika Error | Fetch | Failed | Tika errors |
Unsupported Algolia error | Indexing | Failed | Re-try the crawl. Contact the Algolia support team if the error persists |
See also
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