Tools / Crawler / Getting started

To configure your crawlers, the Crawler dashboard is often the best choice, thanks to the built-in editor. To manage a large number of crawlers, you can configure and monitor them programmatically with the Algolia CLI, or the Crawler API.

The editor

To configure your crawler:

  1. Open the Crawlers page in the dashboard and select the crawler you want to configure. If your crawler isn’t listed and several Algolia applications use the Crawler add-on, ensure you select the correct one from the Application menu at the top.
  2. In the sidebar, click Editor.

The Crawler editor

The editor has three elements:

  • Configuration editor. Edit your crawler configuration, such as, which URLs to crawl, and what content to extract from each page.
  • URL Tester. Test your current configuration on specific URLs.
  • Configuration History. Review all configuration changes.

Enhance the crawler configuration

Once you’ve created a crawler and run the test crawl, you should change its configuration so that it works for your site. This is an iterative process, where you:

  1. Make some changes
  2. Re-crawl the site by clicking Restart crawling from the Crawler Overview page.
  3. Use the Algolia dashboard to examine records
  4. Use the monitoring tools to help troubleshoot error messages or warnings.
  5. Repeat until you’re happy.

The configuration changes that you should first consider are:

For an overview of all configuration options, see Configuration.

Where to start crawling your site

The startUrls setting tells the crawler which URLs it should use to start crawling. In most cases, it’s best to rely on your sitemap. If the initial setup didn’t discover all your sitemaps, add them to the sitemaps setting.

Maximum URL limit

The maxUrls parameter limits the number of pages the crawler checks. The test crawl only extracts data from up to 100 URLs.

Exclude and include content

By default, the crawler will crawl all the URLs it finds and add all the content on those pages to your Algolia indices. However, you can instruct the crawler which sections, pages, or patterns to exclude or include.

Decide what you want to exclude

Use exclusionPatterns to tell the crawler which pages you want it to ignore.

For example, on a site ( with news articles, author biographies, and career pages, you might only want to extract the news articles. To do this, tell the crawler to exclude pages that match the URL patterns** and**. This ensures the crawler only extracts data from the remaining article pages.

Exclude content by attribute

Sometimes, you might not want users to find some crawled content. For instance:

  • Content only relevant for a specific period, like event listings that are no longer useful after the event has ended.
  • Older news articles that might not be relevant anymore.

Although you could try to manage this by adjusting your crawler configuration, you might encounter issues. For example, if you’re making updates between the crawler’s regular schedule.

Instead, it’s better to filter search results on the crawled data by specific attributes such as deletion_date. This means that when a user performs a search after the deletion date passes, the filter automatically hides it from search results.

If you’re concerned about revealing the deletion date, you can keep it safe with a secured API key.

Decide what content you want to include

Adjust pathsToMatch and recordExtractor to extract only the information you need.

For example, you have a site with three content types: blog posts, a home page, and documentation pages. You want to store each content type separately since they’re formatted differently: your blog posts have author and publishing_date attributes but the documentation pages don’t. You want all this content to be searchable on your site.

Decide which attributes to send

When the crawler visits your site, it extracts the data elements (attributes) and stores them in an Algolia record. Use these attributes for fine-tuning relevance, displaying filters, or implementing multi-index search.

You must decide which attributes are important for each content type. These attributes are the ones you should extract and send to Algolia.

For example, you’ve two types of content: help guides and blog posts. Both have a published_date attribute, but you only want to extract the date for the blog posts, not the help guides.

  • For blog posts, you want to use published_date to ensure newer blog posts rank first in search results.
  • For help guides, published_date isn’t helpful for ranking search results. Instead, you want to use rating to help ensure the guides that users found most helpful rank higher in search results.

You may need separate actions for each:

  • Content type you want to crawl.
  • Section of the site you want to crawl (optional).

Decide which content types to crawl

For each content type (schema) in an index, create a separate crawler action.

To help identify the different content types on your site, refer to for guidance. For example, has definitions for articles and products.

Decide which sections of the site to crawl

During the test crawl, the crawler creates one action to extract all the data from your site. As a result, you’ll see all the records stored in one Algolia index. This might fit your needs but, in some cases, there are benefits to storing different types of data in different indices.

If you store content in several indices, you must decide which sections of your site you want to extract data from.

For each section, you must create a crawler action. If you decide to store all your data (records) in one index, you only require one action.

Canonical URLs and crawler behavior

During the crawling process, the system attempts to extract data from all submitted domains, paths, and URLs. The crawler may encounter canonical URLs: the “primary” version of a subject. For example, if there are several pages with the same content, canonical URLs in a page’s <head> section link to the primary version of the content.

The crawler follows both the initial and the canonical URL but it only extracts content from the last page it crawls and, hence, might skip the primary version of the content.

To prevent the crawler from following canonical URL redirects and ensure it crawls all pages, add the ignoreCanonicalTo parameter to your configuration.

Safety check

The Crawler has a safety feature that will stop your crawler if it finds 10% fewer records than the previous crawl. This can happen if you change your site without updating the crawler configuration.

To change this 10% threshold, add the maxLostRecordsPercentage parameter to the crawler configuration. For example, if you want the crawler to stop when it finds 15% fewer records than the previous crawl, set maxLostRecordsPercentage to 15.

If the crawler exceeds maxLostRecordsPercentage, the crawler stops and you’ll see a warning: “Too many missing records. The new index generated by this crawl is missing too many records to replace the production index automatically.”

To ensure that significant updates or deletions don’t go unnoticed, the crawler won’t update your records until you check and confirm the change is okay.

  • If this difference is expected, and you want to replace the index, click Replace production index. If you don’t want to update, click Cancel.
  • If the reduced number of records is unexpected and there weren’t any changes on your site, use the URL Inspector to see what might have led to the decrease.
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