Algolia CLI / Get started

Authenticate CLI commands

To authenticate CLI commands, use your Algolia application ID and an API key with appropriate permissions. You can find both in the Algolia dashboard.

You can provide your credentials in these ways:

  • Variables. Use the --api-key and --application-id options to pass your credentials. This is useful if you want to read your credentials from environment variables, for example in continuous integration (CI) environments.

  • Profiles. Create profiles to store your credentials in a configuration file ~/.confing/algolia/config.toml. When running commands, you can reference the profile instead of entering the credentials.

  • Environment variables (crawler commands only). See Crawler commands.

Create profiles

To create a new profile, use the algolia profile add command:

algolia profile add \
        --name NAME \
        --application-id APPLICATION_ID \
        --api-key API_KEY

Now, you can use the option --profile NAME to authenticate your commands.

In general, use an API key that has only the minimum required permissions to perform the tasks you want to perform. For example, if you only want to search or browse your indices, use an API key that has the search and browse permissions.

Default profile

The first profile you add is created as default profile. You can omit --profile when using the default profile.

For example, if your default profile is store, and you want to search the products index, you can use one of the following commands:

algolia search products --query ""
# This is the same as:
algolia search products --query "" --profile store
# This is the same as:
algolia search products --query "" \
                        --application-id APPLICATION_ID \
                        --api-key API_KEY

To change the default profile, use the algolia profile setdefault command.

Crawler commands

The Crawler is available as an add-on and must be enabled for your Algolia application.

To authenticate algolia crawler commands, set these environment variables:

  • ALGOLIA_CRAWLER_USER_ID for your Crawler User ID
  • ALGOLIA_CRAWLER_API_KEY for your Crawler API key

You can find both in the Crawler dashboard.

You can also add them to your configuration file ~/.config/algolia/config.toml, to an application with the Crawler add-on.

  [app_with_crawler]       # Profile name
  application_id = '...'   # Your Algolia application ID
  api_key = '...'          # Your regular API key for the Algolia app
+ crawler_user_id = '...'  # Your Crawler user ID
+ crawler_api_key = '...'  # Your Crawler API key
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