Integrations / Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C

You can configure these preferences in the Algolia BM module (Business Manager > Merchant Tools > Algolia > Algolia).

Configure Algolia Custom Preferences Group

Preference SFCC Site Preference Name Description Required?
Enable Algolia Algolia_Enable Enable all Algolia features on your Salesforce B2C Commerce storefront. Yes
Application ID Algolia_ApplicationID This is your unique Algolia app identifier. Find it in the API Keys tab of the Algolia dashboard. Yes
Search API key Algolia_SearchApiKey This is your Algolia public API key to use in your frontend code. Find it in the API Keys tab of the Algolia dashboard. Yes (optional for headless)
Admin API key Algolia_AdminApiKey This is your Algolia admin API key. Keep this key secret, and only use it in the backend. Algolia uses this key to create, update, and delete your records and indices. Required
InStock Threshold Algolia_InStockThreshold If the stock of a product is lower than this value, it’s considered to be out of stock. No (default: 0)
Additional Product Attributes Algolia_AdditionalAttributes Any additional product attributes to send to Algolia (comma-separated list). No
Index Prefix Algolia_IndexPrefix If set, it replaces the first two segments of the index name. The default index names are: <hostname>__<siteID>__producs__<locale> and <hostname>__<siteID>__categories__<locale>. No
Record model Algolia_RecordModel Define the shape of the records generated by the cartridge. For more information, see Default records. No (default: Variation Product)
Enable Insights Events Algolia_EnableInsights If true, the Storefront sends Insights events to Algolia: views, clicks, addToCart, and purchase No (default: false)
Enable server-side rendering Algolia_EnableSSR Enables server-side rendering of the category landing page results (first page only). Improves SEO, but slightly increases page load times. Only applicable for the SFRA cartridges. No (default: false)
Enable Content Search Algolia_EnableContentSearch Enable Algolia Content Search on the SFRA storefront cartridge. No (default: false)
Enable Recommendations Algolia_EnableRecommendations Enable Algolia Recommend on the SFRA storefront cartridge. See the documentation for additional setup steps. No (default: false)

Consider using restricted API keys for security reasons. For more information, see API key restrictions.

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