Integrations / Magento 2

Frontend issues in Algolia's Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce extension

Magento Algolia search results

You may see unexpected results when fetching products. The best way to understand what’s happening is to compare these results with those you get with the exact search in Algolia’s dashboard: go to Indices, then search for your product index (by default: magento_default_products).

Algolia dashboard product search

  • If you see the same unexpected behavior on the dashboard and the frontend, this probably means that there’s an index configuration issue.
  • If you see differences between your frontend and the dashboard, check the record’s values for the two visibility attributes (visibility_search and visibility_catalog). If they’re set to 0, they won’t appear on related pages on the frontend.

    Settings for the two visibility attributes

Check the Rules section in Algolia’s dashboard since results might be affected by facet query rules or by category merchandising.

There are no images in your results

If all your images suddenly disappear from the frontend, you’ve probably cleared Magento’s image cache (held in the pub/media/catalog/product/cache directory). Algolia’s extension uses Magento’s image cache for product images. To fix this, reindex your products.

Missing images on the Magento frontend

Use your favorite browser to help you

Some web browsers have tools to help you investigate frontend issues.

Check the source code

Display the source code in your browser to check if you can find:

  • The three JavaScript files required by the extension should be listed in the <head> section of the HTML: common.js, instantsearch.js, and autocomplete.js.

  • The HTML should define the window.algoliaConfig variable just after the <head> section. This variable fetches all the Algolia configurations coming from the Magento back-office.

  • Algolia’s search input has replaced the browser’s search input. Search for name="q" in the source code: the input should have algolia-search-input in its class attribute.

If you can’t find these items in the source code, this points to issues with the extension’s installation.

Use the console

In your browser’s console, type algoliaConfig, then press Enter. The console will display all your Magento configurations. Use this console output to check if your frontend is up to date with the latest modifications you made in the backend. Clearing the cache may help, but be aware of image issues.

Example of an algoliaConfig output in the browser console

Check network calls

In your browser’s network tab, filter results with the “XHR” sub-tab. Then you can monitor each call to Algolia’s servers as you search. By clicking on a call, you’ll get all the information related to the search request and response, which can help determine if the search is working as it should.

Example of calls to Algolia servers

Investigate the autocomplete HTML code

To investigate the HTML code of the autocomplete menu with your browser’s developer tools, first activate debug mode in Stores > Algolia Search > Autocomplete Menu > Enable autocomplete menu’s debug mode. If you do this, the dropdown won’t disappear when you click outside the menu, which means you can take a closer look at the HTML generated by the extension.

Turn on autocomplete debug

Check the DOM selector

.columns must be chosen as the DOM selector for search results to be injected into product listing pages. To check this, search for the DOM selector defined in Stores > Algolia Search > Instant Search Results Page > DOM selector.

Ensure .columns is chosen as the DOM Selector

Layout customizations

Algolia’s extension updates the native Magento Luma Theme. If you customized your frontend, you might also have to override these Magento layout updates.

The Algolia extension uses the standard Magento layout system. For more information, inspect the file view/frontend/layout/algolia_search_handle.xml.

Autocomplete menu styles

To customize the styling of the autocomplete menu, see Styling

Frontend events

Error: algolia is not defined

If you’re on Algolia for Magento version 3.10.3 or later and have upgraded from a previous version and you’ve customized the search experience with frontend events, you may encounter the following error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: algolia is not defined

Uncaught ReferenceError: algolia is not defined

To resolve this, adjust your custom hooks to load dependencies through RequireJS.

Error: mismatched anonymous define() module

If you’re loading scripts with both RequireJS and standard <script> tags, you’ll likely encounter the following error:

Uncaught Error: mismatched anonymous define() module

Uncaught Error: mismatched anonymous define() module

To resolve this, remove <script> tag references in the <head> section of your layout XML, such as:

  <script src="Algolia_CustomAlgolia::hooks.js" />

You should be loading the script with requirejs-config.js as described under Where to place your hook.

For more information about common errors, see the official RequireJS documentation.

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