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The Elasticsearch connector is a beta feature according to Algolia’s Terms of Service (“Beta Services”).
The Elasticsearch connector lets you read data from ElasticSearch and store it in an Algolia index.
The Elasticsearch connector supports Elasticsearch version 7 or later.
Set up an API key and secret in ElasticPath
To create an API key and secret, configure your Elasticsearch cluster’s security settings:
- Sign in to your Elasticsearch instance, either through a web interface, or with command-line tools.
- To create an API key, open the main menu and select Stack Management > API Keys > Create API key.
- The key will be base64-encoded. Algolia’s connector needs the underlying key and secret separately. To decode the created key, copy the base64-encoded key into a decoder to reveal the key and secret.
For more information, see API keys in the Elastic documentation.
Configure your data source
- Open the Connectors page in the Algolia dashboard.
- Select the Elasticsearch connector, click Connect, and click Get started.
- In the Server Endpoint field, enter the full URL to your Elasticsearch server.
Select your authentication method:
- None. No authentication is needed for the connector to read your data.
- API key/Secret. Decode the base64-encoded Elasticsearch API key and enter the API key ID and API key secret.
- Username/Password. Provide the username and password, which the connector should use to authenticate.
If you’re using authentication, the user needs permissions to create an index if it doesn’t exist and create documents.
- Enter a name for the source. This helps you distinguish between different sources.
- Click Create source. Algolia will try to access your source and lets you continue if it succeeds.
Configure your destination
Select an Algolia index, where the records from your Elasticsearch source should be stored. For more details, see the JSON connector.
Configure your task
- Decide if you want to fetch your data on a schedule or on demand.
- If you select a schedule, choose from a list of popular schedules or enter a custom cron expression.
- In the What should we do with your data section, select Replace, Save, or Partial Update.
- Select the indices you want to import into Algolia.
- Finalize the configuration and click Create task.